Underwater Concrete Core Demolition, Underwater Wire Sawing Work Services
We at Indo Spark Construction Services provide Diamond Wire Sawing Work Services, Vibration Free Concrete Breaking / Demolition / Cutting Work Services using specialized machines and equipment. We provide this service all over India as well as the neighbouring countries. We are proud of the speed at which we can undertake and complete even the most complex drilling operations. Diamond drilling is the most versatile and efficient method of forming holes and openings in a wide range of material from heavy reinforced concrete and natural stone to bricks.
Key Features
Dust and vibration free
Flexible power sources
Lightweight drilling machines
High performance automated rigs
Hole diameter from 8mm to 600mm
Low noise output
Clean & safe surface finish
Dry drilling when required
Deep drilling upto 5 meters
Horizontally and vertically core drilling possible
Most useful for removing broken foundation bolts

Underwater Wire Sawing
Underwater Wire Sawing
Underwater Wire Sawing